Sunday 1 July 2012

Cross Fit

What is CrossFit??

CrossFit is a strength and conditioning system built on constantly varied, if not randomised, functional movements executed at high intensity.

“The magic is in the movements”.

CrossFit workhorse movements include deadlifts, squats, pull-ups, running and lunging, pushups and dips, presses and jerks, cleans and snatches, rope climbing, sit-ups, jumping, throwing, pressing to handstand and some hybrid movements like the muscle-up, clean & jerk, “wall-ball”, and “thruster”.

The CrossFit toolbox contains gymnastics rings, barbells, bumper plates, dumbbells, parallel bars, pull-up bars, medicine balls, rope, mats, and some odds and ends like kettlebells, a giant tire, and sandbags.

What is a WOD?

WOD is "Workout of the Day." The great folks at CrossFit post a workout for each day.

Ok - up to speed?? Good!!

Since settling in last Wednesday I have been to the gym 8 or so times (in 6 days) and have been peeking in the CrossFit room, each of those times, checking the WOD on the board, wondering if I could pull it off - all the while telling myself "tomorrow"....

Today was that tomorrow.

6am - CrossFit was my comitment - 6am CrossFit it was.

The WOD looked a little something like this...

Sure - no worries I can do that...

Oh wait up - didn't see this bit...

Oh right - I get it 5 rounds!! .... ok.... so lets do the math on that WOD....

20 pull ups x 5 = 100 pull ups

30 push ups x 5 = 150 push ups

40 sit ups x 5 = 200 sit ups

50 aquats x 5 = 250 squats

all up a total of 700 body weight reps.

It was gruelling!! I am thankful for the Pull-up assist band as I would have NEVER been able to pull off 100 of those suckers without it!!

The first few rounds, I felt like I was a machine...then I got to what I thought was my 5th round and no one else was finished yet....hmmmm, maybe I have one more round to go - so off I went and hit it again.

The coach was walking about the room with a big stick, bashing people with it for poor form....that isn't true - but correcting form he was - my squats weren't low enough, I had to squat down until my knees hit the stick - then he was onto me each time I did my squats - making sure my form was perfect - poor form doesn't fly in crossfit - poor form = doesn't count = do it again!!

I got through it, I survived!!

And my first ever CrossFit WOD time...

35min and 43 sec!!

Pretty pleased with that effort - more so I am proud of myself for finally giving it a go!!

I am looking forward to seeing what the WOD is for today.....and whether I am brave enough to try it!!

Let's not forget my Mean Abs and Tuff Butt Challenge for today.....


July 1st ...June Take #2

So I signed up for Mean Abs and Tuff Butt June.... and got to the 15th or so and it all became less and less important and I found less and less time to complete it (trying to fit in my 12WBT 10km program, my 12WBT Lean and Strong program, the Abs/Butt challenge and....oh yeah my life in there somewhere too) ..... I was doing catch up days like crazy (defeating the purpose I'm sure) and was going to have....well some Mean Abs and a Tuff butt by July....this did not happen.

So it's the 1st July and I thought if at first you don't suceed....give up on a hot arse and a flat stomach???, no, no that's not right - if at first you don't succeed, try try again!!

I took an Ab shot and I can honestly say that compared to last month's Ab shot- my belly looks so much more jelly like and round than one month this is a definate course for concern!!

I will comit to a Mean Abs and Tuff Butt JULY, I will comit to posting an abs before and after pic to show my progress - so no more bum shots - I just can't take it!!

Here was my challenge requirments for today,

And here is my June1st and July 1st photos.....

Bring on 30 more days!!