But I hadn't been to the gym in a week had I?? So, on approach to my "BodyStep" class I see a bright new sign drawing my eyes toward the "New Class Timetable - Starting Monday 16th Jan" - Well what do you know - That's today!!

Yes!! BodyAttack!! Alright!! Finally!!
(is what I thought to myself as I walked in and found my position front and centre!!)
Well within the first 5mins of the "warm up" my heart rate was well over my peak workout zone!! Oh Boy - was that week I took away from the gym really going to make me pay that baddly?? Or was this class just going to KILL ME regardless??
Holy Smokes - The class certainly lived up to its name - My body certainly felt attacked!! It felt beaten and broken!! But I gave it my absolute all and it obviously showed because the instructor (that I have a secret body crush on- HOT!) told me after the class that she thought I did a great job and she was impressed to see how high I was jumping in the last track when I was clearly shagged but still giving level 3 a go!! That made me feel like a star pupil - and then I take a look at my Heart Rate Monitor "Holy F*@k" I accidently exclaimed in front of her - I burned 643cal in the 1hr!! NEVER EVER have I EVER pulled that number out in an hour before!! I knew I smashed it and there was the proof right there on my wrist!! My heartrate Max was 200bpm!!! Shouldn't I be dead???
So today I am feeling great!! I mean, my body aches everytime I move but that counts as great in my book!! Day One of Round 1 12WBT 2012 done and won!!
Whilst looking online for a BodyAttack Logo I found this pic.......