Already I am falling behind with all the MUST DO's I listed for myself to complete every day - I did say that I MUST do a blog everynight...and I haven't. Nights have been late and mornings have been early - but this is the life I have chosen thus I will embrace it.
One thing I will say is that for 2 nights in a row I have gone to bed proud of myself, without an overful belly and without a sugar coma headache. I have enjoyed my running in the mornings and getting up early again makes me feel in control!!
I love feeling in control of my life - as Mish would say "With two hands firmly on the stearing wheel, driving my own life, not letting life drive me!!"
Not that it's a smooth or easy ride - I'm fighting my cravings right now like no body's business - but that's because I'm coming off of weeks of binging - so of course its going to be tough to start saying "no" again - but seriously - No feels so so so much better than yes!!I've made myself do a complete 180 - I was saying YES to junk food and NO to training and now it's the absolute opposite - I know which feel better!! And I know which ruins results.
I weighed in today - Week 1 Weigh in Wednesday and I had a gain of 900g!! My initial weight was in preseason (2 or so weeks ago) so it just goes to show how much of a difference eating all that shit and not moving my arse has my arse (oh yes it's bigger) - all of my measurements are bigger.
To put things into perspective last round in 12 weeks I lost a total of 41.5cm, 1.5kg and 8% BF..... in the 4 short weeks since finishing the round (and falling face first into a month long party food binge) I have gained 1.7kg and 17cm!!!!!!!
Holy Hell if that doesn't smack you in the face and yell at you "What have you done woman!!!????" I don't know what does!!
I am not plunging further into the bag of maltesers (oh but they are so good) and I know the numbers look terrible - but I don't look terrible - I still look good I can feel the cms in my clothes, of course I can BUT (again with the buts) I know how to change it, I have made those changes and will continue to make those changes and I will ABSOLUTELY not fall into that trap of ending my healthy lifestyle when I end the 12 weeks.
I believe in myself - last round I was up, down and around so many times you would have thought I was living in a theme park!! Just read my previous blogs!!
This round I am focused, I am strong and I am unstoppable!!!
I WILL be under 60kg
I WILL be @/or under 18% BF
I WILL run 10km in 60min
I WILL rock a red dress at finale....!!!!!