Monday, 13 February 2012

Its a new day, It's a new dawn

Well Day One Round One 2012 is finally here!!

This morning I felt sick (and just quietly...spent most of the morning on the loo!!) I felt an anxiety attack coming on!! Nervous to the core - my tummy didn't appreciate it.

WHAT THE HELL FOR?? Walk into the gym - lift the weights - how hard is that???

It wasn't about the hard so much as it was about the unknown, my (usual) nerves about having people look at me working out - Will I be able to lift the weights? Will I be able to work the machines?? Will I look like a tool? Will other people snigger at me behind my back?

Or was it the thought of it all finally being here - for 2 months I have been "going to do the Lean and Strong program next..." and now I actually have to DO IT!....TODAY!!!

Nothing quite went to plan today either which planned havic with my mindset....

1. My workout was scheduled at 5am - but my husband got up early for work so, I had to stay home with the kids.  No dramas - I can go after school drop off. 
2. Breakfast time- shit! Mouldy bread (away camping for the weekend meant my kitchen was under stocked!!) - No Berry Bruschetta for me - That's ok, Muesli for the same calories - will be fine. 
3. Lunch was meant to be Pumpkin and Quinoa Salad - but after school drop off, Day One Workout and Grocery shopping I had 30mins before school pick up and the cooking + preparation time for the salad was 50mins!! - Ok good old rice crackers and cottage cheese, will do just nicely. 
4. And after Karate and 2 loads of washing and groceries away, kids and Steve's dinner - it was a sandwhich for me instead of my Stuffed Tomatoes with Feta, Currants and Mint!!

I am (desperately trying to tell myself) that (even though it's the first day) that 1 day off the plan is not the end of the world - especially seeing as though I still stuck to my 1200cal.

Just goes to show - if you fail to plan, you plan to fail!!

Life is not always going to fit into the 12WBT meal plan - but I will always (as I did today) stick to my calories and make healthy choices. 

On a super positive note - I gave it my absolute all at the gym this morning!! It was tough going and just a glimse into what is in store for me this round but I tell you what - I won't get what I want by wishing!! I'll get it by working - and I know I can do this work. 

There were a few bumps in the road at during the workout, it wasn't all smooth sailing - I stuck to the minimum of all the weight targets Mish set (ie - Leg press was set at6 40-70kg - so naturally I took the 40kg) and all of them were adequate - some even way too hard. 

Bicep curls with the barbell were crazy hard - only 10kg - the absolute minimum and I struggled to get all the reps with perfect form.  I will lower it a little next time so I don't look like i'm about to fall on my face!! - or butt!! I figure perfect form with more reps is more effective than not being about to complete the sets.

Tomorrow is a new day and a new dawn - literally I'll be up at 430am!! I will maintain a positive mindset and I will rock the MASSIVE workout and crush the daily meal plan which looks delicious.
Loving my new workout Journal!

Day one in my Workout Journal..... Pretty Happy with that!!

My new home away from home.