Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Old me Vs New Me

This week in Mental Health week.  My cousin, who battled anorexia through her teens posted this on her facebook page.

My cousin and I used to have similar mindsets – in fact we’d feed off each other and encourage each other deeper into the world of destruction and self hatred, to be ever thinner and thinner. 
So today I was doing a little reflecting on the “Old Me” the one that (I’m struggling not to say “hope”) IS gone forever.

I still get moments pretty much every day where the Old me sneaks in her self doubt, her nasty remarks, her laziness (and incredible sweet tooth!!).
Its a tough gig to ditch!! The first time i remember being self conscience of my weight was when I was 7years old!! I remember refusing to get on the scales at the doctor during a check up – I remember sitting out the class at Ballet because my teacher told us all to take off our skirts for bar work and I refused as I didn’t have tights on underneath to suck in my thighs!! I ALWAYS remember being envious of other girls and wishing for her hair, her legs, her flat tummy, her lack of love handles, her pretty face, her perfect teeth......

I have seen some dark dark times, definitely more dark than light when it comes to my self image and my self worth.  I have missed parties, nights out on the town, re-unions, numerous events, catch ups and good times, because of the terror I felt at showing myself to people and simply being paralysed by the perceived opinions of others.  And all that is before even talking about how I almost destroyed my marriage with my poisonous self hate. 
In so many ways I have come so far, but in many others I still have a ways to go in believing in myself and acknowledging that I’m not a hideous beast – because I’m not!!

I popped down to the corner store today for some bread, I got out my car and there were a bunch of teenagers sitting around on their bikes blocking the path.  I immediately sucked in my abs muscles as far as I could, put my eyes to the ground and stepped over their bikes and worried the whole time about what they might be thinking about me.  I caught myself out – I thought to myself – I can’t wait until the end of the round when I will have worked away my “stubborn wobbly bits” (as I have now dubbed them), and walk through a crowd without being afraid!!  Then I thought - Why not start right now at kicking my negative thoughts to the curb, the “old me” out on her arse!!  – so I bought my (wholemeal) bread, turned around, threw my shoulders back, my chin up and strutted back past the teenagers to my car with my head held high!!
I just have to focus on little things each day that I can do to help me focus and stay positive - I made my mantra for yesterday - "I maintain a positive attitude" becasue the day before the "old me" tangled up my mind so deep in her rotten negativity that I had talked myself out of my ability to complete this next round!! I brought out the old "I'm never going to make it, I can't do it" to my husband... it is SO easy to slip back down.  So i just breathed "I maintain a positive attitude" every time I thought a thought derived from the "old me".... it actually worked.
What else worked was taking my before shot - I took one for the beginning of the pre-season and I'll take one at the end to show myself how far I can come in just 4 weeks.  I felt terrible in my new bikini, pulling the tiny piece of material that was supposed to cover my bum, fidgeting - HATING it - then my husband took the photos and showed me and I was suprised - Hey I don't look as bad as I thought I did - I CAN do this!! I WILL have a flat stomach at the end of this round!! I WILL have just one set of bum cheeks!!! I was so relieved to see the photos, I forgot to be down that I had put on 500g on the scales since last weigh in!!
So take a look - I've posted them on my "Weigh in Wednesday" Page for all to see (eeekkkk) (be brave Kate) where I will be posting my results from the scales each and every week.