The scales were once again not being very friendly with another 300g gain!! Ok, deep breath, I can handle this - lets get the tape!! All over (arms, thighs, chest, waist and hips) I totalled a 17.5cm loss on the tape!! Take that scales!!!
Then off to the gym to see Robot Girl from week 1 to have my body fat % re-measured via the calliper test. Remembering that 4 weeks ago she had me at 25.7% BF. I was hoping for at least a 2% loss - this would keep me on track and see me reaching the correct milestone for the timeframe (goal - 19%) .....
Well we did the test....."What a great Result!" She said......remember how in 12 weeks I wanted to reach 19%? Well I came in at 18.5%!!
Yahhoo......right!!??? WRONG!! There is no way NO WAY that I could have achieved that result in 4 weeks!! - So we re calculated and got the same numbers. Well I'll be taking a second opinion thanks, because if this body I'm wobbling around in is only 18.5% BF then there is something seriously wrong!!
The wait for the second opinion was over 24hours long and brutel. Making me more nervous was the second opinion was a male!! Allowing another girl to pinch my fat rolls and measure up my flabby bits was one thing (though enough) but standing infront of a man to do it - well that was a WHOLE other story!! Yuck yuck mouth was running a mile a minute blabbering away nervously like I was on a first date - a first date that involved callipers?? I don't think so!!
Mr Second opinion grabbed all the bits that bother me the most (right over my belly button and right over the old Love handle - two places I asked Robot Girl to measure but was shut down with a "we don't do there!!", his style was COMPLETELY different and apparently WAY more accurate.
The result punched me right in the chest!! I gasped and took a seat with my head in my BF% is 27.2!!! Horribly Horribly disapointed!! My goal to lose 6.7% in 12 weeks has now changed to 8.2% in 8 weeks!! I have to reassess and really look at that number realistically knowing that it's most likely improbable that I could achieve that number in that time.
So - am I going to quit? Throw in the towel? Stop in at the servo for a block of chocolate on the way home from the gym???...
I certainly will not!! I will continue to try my guts out and strive to be the absolute best version of myself regardless of that stupid number. I keep getting told to ignore the scales and concentrate on the measuring tape and how I that's the plan Stan - no number on a scale or even one with a % after it insead of a kg is going to stop me from giving this program all I've got.