As today is the 1st of February and the first month of the year is now behind me (already!!) I thought I would reflect on my diary over the last month and see how I faired with the goals I set at the beginning of the year...... My Goals set for January were as follows:
§ To hit 60kg on the scales
§ To lose weight EVERY week (no gains)
§ To stay positive and honest
§ To live a mantra every day
Did I do everything I was supposed to do to get there?
§ By eating Clean? (most days, but not all days)
§ By exercising 6 days a week?
(I have been training 3-4 times a week)
§ By NOT eating any of mum's birthday Cake
(I'm a good cook - I caved!!!)
§ By tracking my Calories in my food diary
(I had 100% completion of my food diary on
only 10 days out of the 31 days throughout
January!!!) SHOCKING!!!
I really let myself down!! This is so like me - I talk the talk, but can't walk the walk!!
BUT looking at the positives of this situation....
I'm glad this happened NOW and not one month into the 12WBT round. I'm glad that I have reflected and seen that I didn't try hard enough and that not one of my goals were met because I did not 100% completely succeed at ONE of the tasks that were supposed to get me there!!
Although I am completely disapointed in myself - I'm not dwelling on it - I'm learning from it. It is so easy to talk the talk, to set the goals to say "I'm gunna" but it takes so much more to ACTUALLY do it. This is what is making me so terrified of the next round!! Last round I wanted to lose 12kg and only lost 9 - I know deep down that was because I didn't follow the program to the absolute letter. I HAVE to do that this time and it terrifies me. I think I'm going to fail myself again!
At least now - it's in black and white (and red...) that I a haven't done what it takes - I have to recify this!!
At least now - it's in black and white (and red...) that I a haven't done what it takes - I have to recify this!!
So Mini goal Time:
This week (wed to wed/weigh day to weighday) I WILL:
§ Exercise 6 days (Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Mon, Tues)
§ Diarise my food HONESTLY all week
I Will take a photo of my Diary page everyday to prove I have done it - Even if I don't have time to sit and a write a blog entry, I will at least post my100% FILLED OUT diary entry each day regardless.
Here is today's diary
Already I can feel a big number coming along for this week - already I have put things back in the cupboard that I would normally have a little nibble at - because I didn't want it in my food diary!! That's progress.
Little bites add up - what you sneak into your mouth in private can be seen on your body in public!!! and on the scales each Wednesday!!