Task One: Introduce Yourself
This involves posting a little bit about yourself on the forum Pages.
Here is the post that I shared on the Forums this morning:
Hi everyone!!
My name is Kate and I am 30 (yes 30!!) years old.
I have been born and bred in Brissie and have never strayed
too far from home.
I am a mum of 2 young children and I work as a Veterinary
Nurse in the field of Emrergency and Critical Care - which means shift work is
the norm for me.
I have joined Round 1 2012 of 12WBT because I want to live
my best life. I want to say good bye to
bad habits and set myself up for a LIFE of good health and fitness, being a
fantastic role model for my children to shape their young lives and achieve all
this for my life whist rockin' a SHIT HOT BOD!!
This will be my 2nd Round of 12WBT (my 1st = Round 3 2011). I succeeded at losing 9kg last round and
absolutely changed my attitude, my mindset and my entire self belief
This Round I will complete the Advanced: Lean and Fit part
of the Program to rid my body of those stubborn wobbly bits that still hinder
my confidence and ability to feel....well.....sexy.
I have bought a bikini and at completion of this round I
will feel confident in struting myself about in it (even though we'll be
heading into winter - Damn it I'll be wearing that Bikini!!!)
I wont say good luck- because there is no such thing in this
program - I will say Best Wishes and Go Out there and Seek and Destroy all the
things that have EVER held you back from being the BEST version of yourself!!
Preseaon Task One - Completed!!
Task Two: Get Real - No More Excuses!!
Now is the time to take full responsibility for myself, my body and how I think. It’s time to reflect on how I see myself and any self sabotaging habits that I possess. Only I can do this for myself. I've got to let go of my excuses. I’ve used them for so long I believe them, I've enrolled others to believe them too. If I want to transform myself, I’ve got to clear these excuses and make way for a breakthrough.
I can no longer rely on motivation, I must make exercise part of my day.Task Two: Get Real - No More Excuses!!
Now is the time to take full responsibility for myself, my body and how I think. It’s time to reflect on how I see myself and any self sabotaging habits that I possess. Only I can do this for myself. I've got to let go of my excuses. I’ve used them for so long I believe them, I've enrolled others to believe them too. If I want to transform myself, I’ve got to clear these excuses and make way for a breakthrough.
My Excuses and Their Solutions
Internal Excuses
- I'll never succeed - so why bother trying??
- I'm too tired - I worked late last night - I need more sleep!
- I don't want to bother Steve or my Parents with having the kids while I go to the gym - so I shouldn't go
- I'm not motivated to go to the gym
- Tell myself EVERYDAY that I WILL succeed at this - and I BELIEVE it!!
- Have that sleep in - you need it - BUT commit to an afternoon training session AND ACTUALLY GO!!
- Steve and my family are here to support me, to see me succeed - Ask for help - Put yourself first.
- Don't rely on morivation - DON'T THINK - JUST F'N DO IT!!
- Its too cold to get up early to train
- I've got too many shifts in a row/too busy to fit in some training
- I'll order take away because I've got no healthy food for dinner
- It's too hot to train today
- Get your butt up!! Exercise will warm you up in no time!!
- I'll organise my days so I can fit in SOME training
- If I'm going out to buy food - I should go to Woolies and get ingredients for healthy ingredients for a healthy meal (save $$ too!!)
- Injury - knees or otherwise
- Sickness
- The kids are unwell
- Complete appropriate Rehab/pysio
- Follow Doctors Orders
- Find Alternative Exercises
- Stay positive!!
- Don't Beat yourself up or let yourself get down
- Can't get to the gym?? Do a DVD - NO EXCUSES!!
Preseaon Task Two - Completed!!
Task Three: Take Control - Set Your Goal!
This Task involves setting some S.M.A.R.T. Goals for the next 12 months and creating an action Plan to ensure they are met!!
My Goals for the next 12 months are:
My 1 Month Goals:
be 60kg on the scales!!
stay positive and honest
lose weight every week – no gains
I WILL get there:
Eating Clean
training 6 days a week
tracking my calories in my diary EVERYDAY
feel comfortable in my clothes without “The Tard”
be 59kg
have a Body Fat % of = 19.7%
have a flat stomach
have no love handles
· To increase my Abs stregth from #2 (fitness test) to - To be announced
· To increase my Abs stregth from #2 (fitness test) to - To be announced
To perform 10 FULL push ups on my toes in a row!
How I WILL get there:
How I WILL get there:
following the 12WBT “Lean and Strong”
Program – To the Letter!!
my Calories – EVERYDAY
working on my Abs everyday
remaining Positive and True!!
6 Month Goals:
run 10km without stopping in 60min
have maintained my weight at 59kg
feel fit and fabulous and proud at my Birthday
How I WILL get there:
for Bridge to Brisbane and JFDI
a Treadmill run in my training schedule at least once a week
my Calories EVERYDAY
12 Month Goals:
be in a bikini for summer – and to look and feel great in it!!
have maintained my weight at 59kg
be living my best life!!
How I WILL get there:
to train 6 days a week – using the 12WBT “Lean and Strong” or “Lean and Fit”
my Calories EVERYDAY
Positive – Be Positive!!
This task –
involves getting organised, Gearing up and preparing for the training plan for
the next 12weeks. The question is posed:
Where are you going to train?
Keeping in mind that Advanced Lean and Strong, I
will be doing;
I will be utilising the GYM mainly to complete the training
program. More specifically I will be mainly
utilising the Weight Machines and the Free Weights but also will be excited to
continue with my group classes also for my fitness and fat burning!!

Secondarily I will work from home when appropriate for my Core and Stretch Day or my Fitness Day – utilising my DVDs or my Treadmill.
Preseaon Task Four - Completed!!
Task Five: Say It Out Loud!!

Michelle Bridges Asks: Are you a woman of your word? Are you willing to give me your word that you will do the work and commit to your future?
Answer: YES!!! I am!!!
The Instructions:
- 1. Go to the Commitment thread in the Forum and write: "My commitment is... (and clearly outline your goals) ...and I am committed to do the work to get me there".
- 2. Tell your loved one. Shake on it. Now be your word and don’t let anything get in your way!!!
- 3. Add your commitment to your Facebook status.
1 - This is my thread on the Commitment Thread on the Forums:
My commitment is to follow the 12WBT Lean and Fit Program to the LETTER!! To succeed at my body shaping goals and look Tight Tonned and Terrific!! And I AM willing to do the work to get me there which includes saying "NO" to tempation - tempation to sleep in, tempation to give in to excuses and temptaion to put sugar loaded food in my mouth!!
2. I just had a conversation with my husband - telling him that I am scared of failure, I am scared I won't be able to do Lean and Strong, I was scared to write my "commitment thread" to Michelle, because I thought I wouldn't be able to go through with it. We talked about my excuses - and realised - there isn't any - I CAN DO THIS!! We said our goals outloud to each other - there! Done!!
3. Here is my latest facebook post:
To follow up on the success I had last Round completing the Michelle Bridges 12WBT program (losing 9kg) I am committing to another 12 weeks with Mish as my trainer. I am about to embark on the "Lean and Strong" portion of the program which will see me sculpt my bodyshape. I commit to showing you ALL my before and after shots as I shred these wobbly bits and replace them with lean muscle and a tonned, rockin' bod!! (there - Preseason Task 5: Say it out loud - complete!!)
Preseaon Task Five - Completed!!
Task Six: Kitchen Makeover!!
Diet is EVERYTHING!!! Even more important than Exercise
This task is all about clearing out your kitchen of all that tempting crap food that has been holding me back, and restocking it with the right foods. It's time to replace all the refined foods in my kitchen with fresh whole foods.
This job didn't take much doing - we live pretty clean - I cleared out
- Some open chocolate buscuits (left over from birthday cake)
- An open box of Chicken in a Biscuit
- A tin of condensed milk - I never feel more low or disgusted in myself then when I start hooking into raw baking ingredients!!
- A box of cup a soup
- Some old "apple muffin bars"
- Fruit and Jelly Tubs
Preseaon Task six - Completed!!
Task Seven: “Organise and Diarise”
Diarising and planning is the best way of guaranteeing getting workouts, meals and shopping done.
This task is all about organising training and nutrition around ‘red flag’ disruptions.
For Advanced Lean and Strong, the program looks like this:
- Day 1: Sculpting
- Day 2: Sculpting
- Day 3: Light fitness, core and stretch
- Day 4: Sculpting
- Day 5: Sculpting
- Day 6: Fitness Circuit
- 1. Grab the old diary and identify all of the ‘red flags’ - holidays, functions and commitments - that may disrupt my routine. Plan at least one month, ideally three months.
- 2. Diarize all my workouts - where you‘ll be doing them, and what you‘ll be doing.
- 3. Plan your shopping days, your big shop and top-ups. Plan your cooking days making use of extra portions to freeze for later.
- 4. Work out your mini milestone events for week 4, 8, and your major milestone for week 12 (maybe it's around training with me at the finale event!). These are an ESSENTIAL part of your journey.
1. Red Flag Days (I'm sure I'll be adding more)
- Fri 10th Feb - Camping
- Sat 11th Feb - Camping
- Sun 12th Feb - Camping
- Tue 14th Feb - Valentines Day
- Fri 24th Feb - Danielle's Birthday Dinner
- Fri 9th Mar - Harley Rally
- Sat 10th Mar - Harley Ralley
- Sun 11th Mar - Harley Ralley
- Fri 27th April - Cake Baking
- Sat 28th April - Mackenzie's Birthday
- Sat May 5th - last day of 12WBT - will I cave and celebrate in all the wrong ways????
- 2. Diarize my workouts - DONE!
- 3. Plan Shopping Days - DONE!
- 4. Mini Milestone Week Four:To improve on ALL facits of the fitness test!!
- Mini Milestone Week Eight:To complete an unassisted Pull Up
- Major Milestone Week Twelve:To register for the 32km Hike with Tara- completed in June 2012
External excuses out of your control? I thought about some then decided that if it is something that I would leave work mid shift without an on call to replace me then it was probably worthy of this category!