Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Burn Baby Burn

Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), also called muscle fever, is the pain and stiffness felt in muscles several hours to days after unaccustomed or strenuous exercise. The soreness is felt most strongly 24 to 72 hours after the exercise. It is caused by eccentric exercise.  After such exercise, the muscle adapts rapidly to prevent muscle damage, and thereby soreness, if the exercise is repeated. Delayed onset muscle soreness is one symptom of exercise-induced muscle damage. The pain is felt only when the muscle is stretched, contracted or put under pressure, not when it is at rest.

Yep! That just about sums it up!!

My body is aching like I've been bashed!! Every step, every sit down on the toilet, reaching for the kids cereal, opening the fridge, even making my husband a coffee today had me spilling the TEASPOON of coffee all over the place - geesh, I didn't realise those new teaspoons I bought were so god damn heavy!!

Other than the DOMS I am feeling great about my last 3 workouts!! I have been working to absolute fatigue and I know that I am giving it absolutely 100%.

Tuesday I was up nice and early for a 5am entry into the gym - this workout was scaring me more than anything - on paper it looked excruciating - but, you know what?? I really feel that I smashed it!!

Tuesday Week 1 Day 2

Wednesday was a Cardio, Core and Flexibility Day - easy right??? WRONG!! I was short on time before work (after working until the wee hours the night before) Thus I halved the cardio (So so hard for me, the cardio queen to do....) I really did find this workout to be a challenge - soooo many planks, so little time!! I really will have to set some goals on holdiong these poses for longer!! I wasn't even making the minimum time set out - CORE work is so important, I've always ignored it in the past.

I had some kind of Lightbulb moment holding a side plank - I got half way through the round last year and started this fierce obsession with cardio and essentially ditched my strength and toning exercises.  I believe that I may have just been eating away at my muscle mass - losing weight but slightly changing my diet, a bit of chocolate here and there and BANG I've stacked on 2kg!! (Oh how long it takes me to LOSE 2kg!!) - I think (lightbulb remember) that this time, building muscle, I will essentially be creating a fat eating machine. If i build muscle and continue to grow or maintain my muscle - surely I will not, in the future,  gain a kilo instantly if I have a big weekend!! My muscle will chew up the fat without too much stress at all - I hope!! I think, from what I understand (from reading, from the forums, from the L&S girls) that this weight program will turn my body into a fat eating machine!! I like the sound of that!

Wednesday Week 1 Day 3

Today I found that there are a few exercises that are doing their best to break my spirits (and my body) - Yes, I'm talking 'bout you Bicep Curls and Chest Press -you may beat me now but watch me smash you up in only a few short weeks!! I'll get the last laugh!!

I am still feeling like a bit of a tool doing my weights - absolutely no super fit professional here, today I had to ask the (previously avoided, never make eye contact with) Gym Owner - for some help utilsing the Barbell Squat and the Chest Press Thingy....turns out you can do both on the same machine - turns out, up close, Dave isn't as intimidating as I always thought he was......

However the Chest Press was VERY intimidating - My pyramid set of Chest Press was supposed to go like this....

12 reps @ 15-20kg
10reps @ 17.5-22.5kg
8 reps @ 20-25kg
12 reps @ 15-20kg

Mine went a little bit more like this.....

12 reps @ 15kg
10 reps @ 15kg
6 reps @ 15kg
4reps @ 15kg...... agggggghhhhhhhh!!!!!! Ouch Ouch Ouch!!

Hopelessly weak!!

Oh well, I am enjoying the challege and I can only get better right??!!

Thursday Week 1 Day 3

I am ABSOLUTELY going to have to get my head up to speed with my actions - My actions are those of success - 100% completion of exercise, following the Menu plans BUT my mind is playing terrible tricks on me - I would never never never be as nasty to anyone ever in my life as I am to myself.  I can't shake the feeling that at the end of all this I'll have a rockin pair of guns, a muscular, tonned back, maybe even sexier legs - but after 30 years of staring down at a chubby tummy, (worse post children - naturally) I fear that it'll never go away, never be flat - I want so badly to just shut my mind out and just follow the program and trust that it works - but I have doubts.....time will tell.

Consistency is the key - My body changed dramatically last time and I didn't follow the program 100% - if I do as I am told every single day, cut out the shit snack foods and post dinner munchies  it just HAS to change- at least I can never say that I didn't give it my all.

Whether I reach my goals or not, at the end of this 12 weeks, I am going to have (regardless of the perfection I dream off) the BEST body I have ever possessed. This is what I need to hold onto!!