Since finishing Round 1 in the first week of May - I have NOT been 100% proud of myself ANY DAY!! I have either missed training, talked myself into giving up half way through training, or not been 100% "Clean" with my nutrition or alowed myself to go over my Calories - OR not even tracked my Calories!!!
Some days may have been just one of these slip ups, some days more than one - some days I have been guilty of ALL of the above.
I feel it mainly in my mind and my tummy!! My tummy is no longer flat - all the work I did last round feels in vain.
We are now in The last week of May and I feel like I've destroyed so much in so little time.
I told myself over and over "this is not 12 weeks - this is life" and I believed it.....until week 12 came.....
So Today I have made some new rules for life:
1. Track Calories EVERY DAY- 1200 in + (at least) 500 out
2. No foods with Sugar listed in the Top 3 ingredients (except treat meal 1 day)
3. 5am (or earlier) wake up call 6 days a week to train - NO EXCUSES - JFDI!!
4. Drink 2L of H2O EVERYDAY
Today I pick myself up
Today I Turn myself back around to face the road of success
Today I track my calories in MyFitnessPal and don't go over 1200 and don't eat sugar
Today I Complete my Pre Season Tasks for Round 2 (See page up the top)
Today I tell myself "I am worth it"
Today I am realistic - I have NOT undone 6 months of hard work in 3 weeks - 3 weeks is a BLIP
Today I tell myself "I Can"
Today I focus on the inner strength I found to become Lean & Strong - so I can STAY lean &strong!!
Today I go to the Gym!!
Today I Turn "I cant's" back into "I cans"
Today is the new Day 1