Thursday, 28 June 2012

Comfort Zone...?? Where are you???

School Holiday time and we are staying in our Caravan in Woolgoolga (close to Coffs Harbour) for 3 whole weeks!!!

The very first thing I arranged of course was my Gym membership!! I was not willing to let my training go by the way side for 3 whole weeks!! That's a quarter of the Program!! So day one, I marched up to the local "Health Club" to sign up....I walked in the door, joined up for the month, and then took the tour....

My heart started racing, my fists clenched, I could feel my anxiety and insecurities rising to the surface...or was that vomit??

The place is so prehistoric, so back to basics, so raw and old-school - I felt way way way out of my comfort zone!

The weights are rusty, the carpet is ripped, the Smith machine is broken, the stuffing is coming out of the benches, there are holes in the walls and old pieces of rusty equipment stacked up in piles in the corners.....I felt lost and scared!!

What made matters worse (only worse for my ego and my nausea) was that newly made friends from the Caravan park were there was I supposed stumble my way through my program in this uncertain, unfamiliar environment with two super fit, confident people watching me....spotting me.....??? There was nowhere to hide!!

I reverted from a person who confidently walks the floor of my gym at home into an insecure version of myself, stumbling about, making excuses, feeling inadequate and like a complete amateur ...actually - hold up - that's a lie, I confidently walk about in the ladies section and when I have to use equipment in the main gym I slink out, with my eyes to the floor, do what I need to do and can't get back to the safety and security of the ladies area quick maybe I haven't fallen as far with my confidence as I first thought!!!

The absolute bonus is (regardless of how inadequate and deflated I felt receiving it) I got what felt like a free personal training session from my new super fit friends!! I got direction on how to perfect my technique in many areas - you certainly can't get away with poor technique when attempting squats and chest presses without my beloved Smith Machine which keeps up my form without too much thinking by me!! (Cheater cheater!!)

I have set myself new challenges for the weeks of "Holiday" in front of me and I am enjoying spending my time with likeminded people, people who accept and encourage this lifestyle, rather than those who tell me that I am "good enough" as I am.
I have no desire to be the BEST at anything, except the BEST VERSION of MYSELF, I have no intention of "going too far" just as far as I need to go to be proud!! And spending a few more weeks with people who feel the same will only serve me well!!

I love this - it's on the wall in the Cross Fit room....

So so true!! Thought I may try out some CROSS FIT whilst I'm here and it's included in my monthly membership...I have always wanted to do it, watched on as others have given in a whirl....I am scared....of course!! There for I must do it!!

See if I can create some magic while I am out there flailing far far from my comfort zone!!!

Watch this space I am going to be smashing out some results this week!!