Sunday, 13 May 2012

Final Results - Finally!!

Week 12 is done and dusted and feels like forever ago!!

Week 12 Day 7 ran very quickly into 5 more days until my Kiddies' Birthday party and a To-Do list longer than my arm!!

So the Birthday Party Bonanza is also done and dusted and it's time to FINALLY sit down and update my Blog with my Week 12 results.

I have a very clear and distinct impression of these photos and even though I have been calling them my "After" shots - they most definately are not "After" anything except 12 weeks of hard work, clean eating and dedication up the wazoo!! In other words - this is far from "The End" for me on this journey, my quest to find the Best version of myself will continue with new goals and new aspirations and new bouts of dedication and the hard work that follows. 

That said - lets bring on the bragging for how well (yes I can own it - I did well) I did on Round 1 2012 Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation.....

Over all Stats:

Weight Lost        -     1.5kg on the scales
Cms Lost            -    41.5cm on the Tape Measure
Body Fat % Lost -    8% on the Callipers!! - My BF% went from close to 30% to 21.7% !!!

My poor husband during that last week - putting up with me - I was up and down like a yo-yo, I was so excited about how far I'd come one minute and then was doubting myself and slapping myself the next!! I was complaining that my tummy was sticking out like a pregnant person, I was whinging that my bum still hadn't changed - then I'd smash a PB at the gym and was high again - up, down, up down.

Friday was a down day - I was dreading going to the PT to be pinched for the calliper test!! I was SURE that I wasn't going to have much change since week 8....I told my husband before I went off "Expect me to come home crying, I'm sure my results are going to be underwhelming!!"...doom and gloom I walked in, found the PT and begged to get it over with.

The PT was SHOCKED and AMAZED at my results - he even didn't believe some of the pinchs and did them again and again because he thought what he was seeing on the callipers just couldn't possibly be true!!

Yay me!!!

He was flawed that over 12 weeks I could lose 8% of my Body Fat - My goal was originally 5-6% and I wasn't sure if that was aiming too high....and I SMASHED it!! I felt like my feet didn't hit the ground as I floated out of the gym and all the way home.  This result gave me the joy and elation I was looking for - now I was excited for final weigh in, measure and photos the next morning.

So here are the photos, that I was so nervous about taking, the photos that show the blood sweat and tears (oh the many tears) of the 12 weeks.

Front view

The Dreaded Back View

Side View
The Bend...Look at how much Tummy flab I lost!!!
Remember that Old Tuumy Shot My soon took???

And a Flexing Shot of course :)
 I am looking forward to Melbourne this weekend where I will Celebrate with a friend and fellow 12WBT'ioner Tara all the hard work and fantastic results we achieved this round.

Michelle has announced that Margie Winner of The Biggest Loser 2012 will be training us at the group[ workout and will Co-Host the Finale Party too!!!

I am so freakin' PUMPED it is unbelievable!!

This week I'll be working on working out so I still look good in my finale dress - after the sugar coma I found myself in post Birthday Party - and also re-focusing to complete some pre-season Tasks for Round 2 2012 to set myself up for further success at fitness and at life!!

Bring on the Party!!!!

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