Sunday, 1 July 2012

July 1st ...June Take #2

So I signed up for Mean Abs and Tuff Butt June.... and got to the 15th or so and it all became less and less important and I found less and less time to complete it (trying to fit in my 12WBT 10km program, my 12WBT Lean and Strong program, the Abs/Butt challenge and....oh yeah my life in there somewhere too) ..... I was doing catch up days like crazy (defeating the purpose I'm sure) and was going to have....well some Mean Abs and a Tuff butt by July....this did not happen.

So it's the 1st July and I thought if at first you don't suceed....give up on a hot arse and a flat stomach???, no, no that's not right - if at first you don't succeed, try try again!!

I took an Ab shot and I can honestly say that compared to last month's Ab shot- my belly looks so much more jelly like and round than one month this is a definate course for concern!!

I will comit to a Mean Abs and Tuff Butt JULY, I will comit to posting an abs before and after pic to show my progress - so no more bum shots - I just can't take it!!

Here was my challenge requirments for today,

And here is my June1st and July 1st photos.....

Bring on 30 more days!!

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